Monday, September 26, 2011

MeshLab for iOS

2 Big News:
  1. MeshPad has changed name: now its official name is MeshLab for iOS 
  2. MeshLab for iOS is available on the App Store!
    And it is free :)
If you have a iPad or an iPhone you can't miss it, go download it and share the news...

We are investing in it, so expect frequent updates. We feel that this kind of support (i.e. tablet) is really great for showing off results to a really broad spectrum of non technically skilled people. Every time that I give to some CH-only guy an iPad to with a gorgeous model ready to be browsed, well, it really pay off much more than asking him to sit down in front of a PC and passing him a mouse...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


If you liked MeshLab and you have an iPad or an iPhone, you cannot miss this: an intuitive, cool 3D viewer to show your models. It is able to sustain the interactive browsing of detailed models (usable up to 2M triangles). Perfect for boldly show hi quality 3D scanned stuff to non-technical guys. Soon to be released.

More info can be found both on MeshPad official web page or on the facebook MeshPad page.

The viewer is well integrated in iOs, so it is automatically started whenever you encounter a 3D model in a recognized format (currently just ply stl obj off). It works with models on the web (see the second video) or with other cloud storage services like DropBox.

So for example it is easy to put a bunch of model on your dropbox account, to boldly show off them just when you need on your iPad.

Here are two videos showing MeshPad in action:

Stay tuned for the official release of the app!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MeshLab Video Tutorial

This blog has been quite lazy recently. But now great news!
We are proud to announce the birth of a dedicated YouTube channel for MeshLab tutorials.
We will upload some new tutorials in the next days. The first one is already online, and it's a basic one about navigation.

Stay in touch for news, and if you want to collaborate, you are welcome!